
Instagram’s new algorithm and why your brand needs to get on board…

If Facebook is King of the Social Media Realm, then Instagram is its dashing Prince and we’re all invited to the Prince’s ‘coming of age’ party.  Instagram has introduced a new algorithm that chooses what users see in their feed based on your interactions with them and the page’s relevancy with the follower.  Gone are the days of the parochial chronological feed (*gasp).

While this is potentially good news overall for consumers, meaning each time the app is opened users will be presented (theoretically) with the best quality and most relevant coverage, it is posing a multitude of mixed emotions for brands and influencers alike who have arguably built-up hard won followings (free of charge) since Instagram’s inception.  While we can waste time kicking and screaming, the future is coming and it pays to spend that time getting on board and strategising how best to maximise the change-of-feed features.

Let’s be honest, the algorithm implementation is a push to not only invest in ad spend on the platform but also to (hopefully) lift the quality level of content.  But don’t dismay, here are Undertow Media’s tips for maximising your brand’s platform with the latest changes:

Firstly, invest in rich media and quality content. Gone are the days of relentless posting, sometimes upwards of 3-4 times daily, in the hopes that many posts make some followers.  Now more than ever the impetus is on quality, engaging content straight off the bat.  Pick the most high energy, emotive, colour rich and applicable images for your brand story.

Next, make the posts count. You need those interactions to ensure you stay in the appropriate consumer feeds. Don’t spam your current followers.  Ensure your content calendar is well thought-out and pertinent to your target market.  Instagram is predominantly made up of urban millennials so unlike Facebook, the pool of demographics is a lot smaller. Then cater to the broadest demographic within the platform based on your own knowledge and analysis of what works for your audience and ethos ensuring quality levels of content and you will stay on a growth pattern.

And remember, when it comes to brands, Instagram is only ever a traffic driver. Ensure you include the most appropriate website address or micro-site address in your bio blurb at the top of your page and above all, make sure that your owned platform i.e. brand website is set up with quality imagery, mimicking what is found on your Instagram page as well as more in-depth (but palatable) information on where and how to engage with your brand or just purely buy, buy, buy.

Stick to these simple rules of thumb and you will be King of your brand-castle in no time.


