Our specialist charity and pro bono experts work with some of the most hardworking and effective not-for-profits in New Zealand.
The Salvation Army, Countdown’s Food Bank Project, Basement Theatre, Zero Food Waste Challenge, Young & Healthy and many other worthy causes use us to engage stakeholders and prompt awareness, understanding and support of their offerings.
NZ charity PR
How Undertow Media can assist your not-for-profit mission:
Coordinate newsworthy statements and media campaigns that advocate for change and action
Release reports that spark government-level conversations
Devise strategic ‘moments’, stunts and other news plays that celebrate CSR activity, Appeals, campaigns and other reasons to support your cause
Deliver powerful on-demand content to fill your social feeds with reasons to support
Ensure funneled messaging and copy is on point across the experience - educating, storytelling, advocating, and compelling viewers and readers to react
“It is a privilege for The Salvation Army to be associated with the work of Undertow Media over the past six years. We always appreciate their high level of engagement and value they bring to the table, their empathy and understanding of the work we do, and the creation of ideas and initiatives that help drive our key messaging to various media channels.”