Our specialist charity and pro bono experts work with some of the most hardworking and effective not-for-profits in New Zealand.
The Salvation Army, Countdown’s Food Bank Project, Basement Theatre, Zero Food Waste Challenge, Young & Healthy and many other worthy causes use us to engage stakeholders and prompt awareness, understanding and support of their offerings.
NZ charity PR
How Undertow Media can assist your not-for-profit mission:
Coordinate newsworthy statements and media campaigns that advocate for change and action
Release reports that spark government-level conversations
Devise strategic ‘moments’, stunts and other news plays that celebrate CSR activity, Appeals, campaigns and other reasons to support your cause
Deliver powerful on-demand content to fill your social feeds with reasons to support
Ensure funneled messaging and copy is on point across the experience - educating, storytelling, advocating, and compelling viewers and readers to react