PR for NZ Venue Co bars & restaurants


From landmark institutions like Dr Rudi’s, St Alice and St. Johns to humble locals like Turks and The Tote, NZ Venue Co is a hospo group that provides reason after reason to choose their digs over other destinations.

As the go-to NZ PR agency for restaurant and bar openings, launches and a good old fashioned party, we’ve clocked off a bottomless frose bar at Dr Rudi’s, igloos on the Wellington waterfront, a 1940s speakeasy at St. Johns and all manner of dining delights with monthly activations for its twelve venues.

Undertow Media have proven themselves to be local experts in the New Zealand media landscape and have been instrumental in securing a higher quantity and quality of media coverage for our venues in Wellington and Auckland. Having local experts on the ground has driven measurable results for our business, driving revenue around key events and venues. The team bring actionable, effective and marketable ideas along with media contacts we didn’t have access to prior to working with them. They are a pleasure to work with!
— Genevieve Hassall - Senior Brand & Communications Manager, New Zealand Venue Co

Burger Fuel

