PR for Proper Crisps
A cuisine landmark of NZ, Nelson based Proper Crisps is devoted to crafting the best chippy for Kiwis, even in times of crisis.
After Cyclone Gabrielle wiped out most of the local kumara supply in 2023, Proper faced an unexpected crunch with its popular snack offering and called on the crop’s Aussie cousin, sweet potato, to keep its shelf warm until the next harvest.
As self-acclaimed chippy monsters, we were hungry to support the launch with a PR campaign that assured fans this was a sweet move.
Scooping up agricultural and news media, interviews with spokespeople, product placement and food news alongside a slew of radio ad libs, we infiltrated the media with widespread coverage across multiple verticals with fans embracing the sweet switcheroo.
“Having worked in PR myself, I’m the best and worst client for a PR agency. Working with Undertow Media was refreshing. Creative, strategic and quick to understand what we wanted and, importantly, what we didn’t. They quickly became our favourite people to hear from! We look forward to working with them more in 2024.”