Are your Instagram Story views lower than they used to be? We promise you’re not alone. Whether it’s down to the algorithm, busy lives, or a veritable ocean of competing content all working against you - sometimes your stories just flop.

Instagram Stories (aka the death of Snapchat) are, arguably, as important as feed posts – stories generate a quarter of IG’s ad revenues, and 58% of users said they were more interested in a brand after seeing it in a story. So, when it comes to crunching numbers, stories are particularly crunchy.

Stories are where creators let their hair down – offering a more organic, less polished, peek into their daily life. Free from the constraints of an ~aesthetic grid~, good yarns are spun, cocktail Boomerangs clink in (15 second) perpetuity, and food snaps are shared without fear of being #basic.

But sometimes, despite our best efforts, our stories just don’t get seen. We do have a couple of tricks up our sleeves to bump those numbers up, but first, it’s important to understand why your views are low.

Bad timing

The algorithm shows recent content first. So, if you shared a story on Friday night but your audience is mostly 18-24 year olds, they probably just didn’t see it – because, by the time they emerged from the duvet at 11am, it was old news. Get to know your audience and their habits, it’ll reward you in the long run.

They’re just not that into you(r content)

A bitter pill to swallow, we know, but sharing your favourite Spotify track isn’t actually that interesting to most people. Nor is sharing your “new post” and then two days later asking “have you seen my post”, or complaining about your low engagement.

If your content isn’t giving your viewers value, they probably just don’t like it and they’re swiping on through – which leads us to our next point…

Your completion rate is low

A completion rate is how many viewers made it to the end of your story without swiping to the next person. A high completion rate means better content – so if everyone is swiping away after the first frame or two, Instagram is going to limit your reach. It’s that simple. Also, note that the completion rate is often reported on after a paid campaign – so it’s worth thinking about.

Your story is too long

Again, see point above. If you need to have a rant, go off – but get to the crux quickly. Remember that a wall of text is hard work so break it into easily readable chunks. Just don’t forget that screenshots are forever!

You don’t respect the medium

Instagram features are great, if you know how to use them. Don’t put a poll or link at the edge of the screen where people can’t tap it, don’t use a question box if people can’t answer using the allowed characters, and don’t re-share a re-share of a story someone tagged you in – one re-share max.

So, there’s what not to do – if you’ve been experiencing low views, now is the time to audit your content. If you’re guilty of the above sins, confess, repent, and move on.

But if you’re just here for the skinny on how to get those views up, here are a few things you can try:

Go quiet, then make your comeback in front of the camera

If you really want your story to pop off, don’t post anything for a day and then post a video of yourself talking. This is a bit of a dirty trick so use it sparingly, but it’s great if you’ve got something you really want people to see (influencers, take note 👀).

Experiment with different types of content

The algorithm knows who likes videos, pictures, graphics, blocks of text, etc, so it’ll show that type of content to those people who like it. Try dabbling in different ways to tell your story and see which ones work best with your audience, or keep sharing a mix to give yourself broad appeal.

Improve your accessibility

Talking on your story is great, but if your followers are hard of hearing, don’t speak your language, or are just trying to watch in sneaky silence, adding captions will do wonders for your completion rate. Instagram even has an automated caption tool, so there’s no excuse.

Make it easy to engage

More engagement will rank your story higher in the algorithm, so make it easy for your followers. Ask a question, make a statement, even stir the pot a little – just make sure it’s not confusing or hard work.

It’s not about you

We know, we know. You’re a star and IG is your stage. But remember that every person using Instagram is using it for themselves – not because they want a front-row seat to your show. Think about what you’re actually giving them – whether it’s educational, entertaining, or inspirational – and make sure it has value for them and not you.

Reckon you’ve nailed stories and you’re ready to start pitching yourself to brands? Have a read of our handy guide here.


