If you want to increase brand awareness and engagement, signing up to TikTok should be at the top of your to-do list. Gen Z’s platform of choice has cracked over a billion active users every month, is the birthplace of most viral trends, and the catalyst for transforming culture (online and beyond) - yet many brands are sleeping on this cash cow.

Want to “do” TikTok but don’t know where to start? Don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb? Worried you’re in Boomer/Elder Millennial territory? Here are the five secrets to success when it comes to conquering the ‘Tok – read on and thank us later.

Date the algorithm

The secret to TikTok’s success lies in how easy it is to build a close-knit community, no matter how niche the topic. From plants to slime, you name it, there’s a Tok for it! The longer you spend scrolling, the more your algorithm gets to know which corner of the internet you belong in – just be warned, it’s easy to lose a few hours doing this…

Use the algorithm to find your people, put yourself in their shoes, and find out what interests them. Learning about the content your audience is already engaging with will guide you as you join the conversation.

Consume and engage

Sorry Insta, but TikTok has you beat on engagement. There’s a sense of organic improvisation to TikTok that you just don’t find in IG’s highly curated feeds, and this makes it the perfect place to strengthen your connection with your audience.

Consume content as much as you create it. Find conversations or influencers you want to be associated with and interact with their videos, this not only brings attention to your name in the comments but helps your personality shine and break the barrier between you and your audience.

When it comes to posting frequency, it’s best to post as much as possible to develop recognition with your audience. If you have the resources, try to post at least once a day. 

Jump on the bandwagon

You’ve got to be in the moment, so jump on the bandwagon and participate in trends. You don’t necessarily need to learn every TikTok dance that rolls around but you do need to understand the trends that are swaying your audience. A good place to start is with trending audio (but make sure you don’t infringe copyright) – see how you can put your own spin on it and go from there.

Trends come and go quickly, so the earlier you can jump on a trend the better. When creating content calendars, ensure you’re not scheduling content too far in advance – you snooze, you lose, and there’s nothing worse than being late to the party.

Keep it snappy

One size does not fit all, tailor your content to the platform – easy to consume, snackable videos that encourage users to comment and share, and leave them hungry for more. No, that expensive promo video on your website is NOT going to cut it!

Competition is fierce with billions of other videos fighting for screen time. Keep your video fast and fun, or they’ll swipe on by.

Let influencers do what they do best

Love them or loathe them, influencers are fish and TikTok is the ocean. These It Girls, Boys, and Etcetera are already engaging with your audience every day with or without you and, as the saying goes, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Partner with a creator (or a few!) and leave them to do what they do best (if you need help, we’ve got you) – creating cool content that you can share, too. The important thing to remember is that they’re making TikToks, not ads, so don’t get too brand-y with your briefing. If Influencers are fish, Brands are swimmers – you can take a dip, but don’t pretend you can breathe underwater. 


Reckon you’re ready to don your togs and dive into the world of TikTok? Check out our guide for how to vet and set up an influencer campaign for an extra level of preparation.


