An important tool in any top PR agency’s wheelhouse, events can be a key part of your brand’s success – from product launch to film premiere, activation or store opening, nothing beats a good party.

With two years out of the event game, getting back in post-Covid can be a struggle – is it like riding a bike or is there more re-learning to do? Read on for Undertow Media’s top tips for hosting a brag-worthy media or influencer event that ensures everyone feels comfortable attending.

Be nimble, be quick

Since “the new normal” can change daily, be ready to adapt at the drop of a hat. Read your vendor contracts thoroughly and come to terms with their terms and conditions (especially cancellation policies), have a plan for guest numbers should gatherings be capped, and make sure you have backups in place. If the threat of a level change is high, consider choosing a venue that is suitable at all alert levels – with ample outdoor space and no public areas attached.

However unlikely it may seem, it’s better to have a plan and not need it than to be caught out without one.

Good host; bad host

You want your event to make headlines for the right reasons, not because it was a super-spreader. Having hand sani and masks on deck is just the start – your safety precautions need to go the extra mile. Forego the grazing platter (they end up looking gross anyway) and go for individual servings or nibbles that cut down contact, and make sure you’re sanitising all high-traffic areas regularly.

If applicable, assign your team to ‘sections’ that they can look after. Having one team member looking after one group of people helps to cut down germs travelling from one area to the other, but it also has the added benefit of allowing your team to get to know their group of people on a deeper level!

It also doesn’t hurt to have your event staff take a RAT pre-event – it’ll offer you and your guests peace of mind that the call isn’t coming from inside the house.

Party is in session

Times have changed and no one wants a sweaty packed room (even at a concert) so if you’re inviting more than 50 guests and you don’t have a big venue, consider creating multiple sessions of smaller numbers.

Smaller, intimate sessions are great for allowing your guests to have hands-on time with your team and your brand, especially if there is an educational or interactive element for them. Sessions are perfect for demonstrations, consultations, and viewings – just make sure you’re sanitising the space in between sessions.

Bubbles on ice, or your bubble in iso?

You want a perfect mix of the coolest tastemakers, the fresh faces on the scene, and who your client is hoping to see there (if this is already going over your head, we’ve got you). But these days, no matter how thorough your guest list curation is, one positive test can throw your plans awry. Offer plus ones and always account for last-minute cancellations to avoid a room full of crickets on the night.

It’s also a good idea to browse your guest list and see who’s friends with who. Does your guest have a posse of other influencers or even just a boyfriend or girlfriend who might enjoy the event? Invite them as well! Not only will they be more likely to RSVP yes, but they’ll have more fun, too.

What’s in it for them?

Ready or not, here events come – and calendars are booking up pretty fast. Brands who have put their events budget on ice for the last two years are itching to spend it up and spend it up big.

How will you ensure people choose your event over others? You need to dangle a golden ticket to secure those RSVPs. Nibbles and viewing the range just won’t cut it unless your brand has some serious clout (or insane goodie bags), so get creative with your event concept and make yours the unmissable one.

Consider a celebrity guest, a master class with a top industry leader, or spot prizes – and make it known on the invite that it’s something special, don’t wait until doors open to let people know.

Pics or it didn’t happen

We all know the goal of a great PR event is flooding the Insta feeds, but it will be social media silence if there’s nothing worth whipping out a phone for. Event styling and creating photo moments are essential so think about interactive elements that make great fodder for TikToks or Reels, backdrops for selfies (don’t forget the good lighting), and the talking points you want your guests to take away and chat about with their followers.

Of course, you don’t just have to leave it to your guests to capture the night! Hire a photographer to ensure you get high-quality photos of your styling, candid shots of your guests, and any shenanigans that may unfold. At the very least, make sure your social media team is on site posting Instagram Stories to your own channels.

If you’re getting ready to host your first event since Covid but don’t know where to start, we can help – big or small, nobody throws a party like the Undertow team (and we know all the tricks to get you bang for your bash, too). Get in touch for a consult today.


