
Undertow Media definitions on social media marketers 101

Marketing buzzwords can be the bane of your brand-life. If you don’t fully understand the terms then how can you be expected to look at them subjectively enough to work out a successful (and potentially innovative) social media / social marketing strategy for your brand or product.

Now we know that a positive alignment with a successful social marketer can add integrity to a brand, but what are all the terms and titles and what do they mean?

‘The new tribe of social marketers’

All of these individuals can potentially wear different ‘hats’ for different brands. Working out how to adequately and efficiently activate these individuals means you need to understand their levels of influence.

The Influencer: will have a proven track record of being able to activate individuals based on their taste, their opinion or their view on life. These individuals usually have multiple platforms you can activate on and are willing to take up paid endorsements of your product, brand or project. They bring trust and audience insights to your allegiance and will usually have expertise in certain areas that you should look at engaging to further strengthen the relationship. These individuals look at their platforms as a business and will undertake any opportunities as such, looking only at alignments that will subsequently strengthen their own brand and positioning. Influencers are usually short-term projects.

The Ambassador: is used as an embodiment and extension of the brand. Employed in a longer term capacity usually on retainer, Ambassadors focus primarily on working products and brand into their every-day situation to provide a context – usually the aim is to be either aspirational or relatable. Generally already in the public eye, Ambassadors will potentially have one or two key elements that they are known for widely, but may have a smaller social platform following. These roles are highly coveted and should be fostered carefully to maximise return. Ambassadors should be talking loudly and proudly but should also be privy to inside knowledge on about the brand / product / project ensuring they are really taken on board to maximise strategy and audience buy-in / activation.

Bloggers: within this category there are many levels. Bloggers can grow into influencers and Ambassadors however in general bloggers start writing as a hobby and from there it becomes a passion. You must ensure you look deeply into the background of the blog before you enter a working relationship to determine whether the fit is right. Bloggers actively engage with and audience to build their following and can often be the most proactive in searching out and creating content. Bloggers (dependant on level of visibility) are often negotiable on the value of an exchange whether it be exclusive content, product or money. Generally of a lower influence Bloggers still provide valuable content and information to consumers.

Advocates and Fans: are the lovers and the likers of the social marketing world. Advocates tend to be deeply passionate and loyal to their favourite brands and products, often being the most vocal of all the social marketing categories. While they may not have a particular following or audience these individuals are often quick to engage with and support a brand and will take action if properly engaged, purely for their own enjoyment. Fans are generally very happy repeat customers who will actively recommend to their friends and enjoy discussing their thoughts and experiences with others through social media. Fans do not expect payment but love recognition. These two individuals will generally not have their own successful platforms but nevertheless should not be overlooked as they are most likely seen as a voice of influence amongst their friends and family.

And don’t forget what we said before: Making sure you get all the facts, figures and face-time, coupled with solid targets and measurements will ensure any relationships with social marketers are efficient, successful and fruitful.


